You can install the master or follow a release package
- Recursively clone the repository and choose tag release version number from the -b parameter:
$ git clone --recursive -b #.##
- Then cd into the ThirtyBees
- Run composer to install the dependencies:
$ composer install
- Then install the software as usual, using either a web browser (
- Or install via command line
php /install-dev/index_cli.php
- Arguments available:
--step all / database,fixtures,theme,modules,addons_modules (Default: all) --language language iso code (Default: en) --allLanguages install all available languages (Default: 0) --timezone (Default: Europe/Paris) --base_uri (Default: /) --domain (Default: localhost) --db_server (Default: localhost) --db_user (Default: root) --db_password (Default: ) --db_name (Default: thirtybees) --db_clear Drop existing tables (Default: 1) --db_create Create the database if not exist (Default: 0) --prefix (Default: tb_) --engine InnoDB (Default: InnoDB) --name (Default: thirty bees) --activity (Default: 0) --country (Default: fr) --firstname (Default: John) --lastname (Default: Doe) --password (Default: 0123456789) --email (Default: [email protected]) --license show thirty bees license (Default: 0) --newsletter get news from thirty bees (Default: 1) --send_email send an email to the administrator after installation (Default: 1)